Membership Benefits

Membership of the CISI tells clients, colleagues and the wider public that you are a professional committed to professionalism, integrity and excellence.

To support members in achieving these standards, the CISI provides an unparalleled selection of networking, development and progression opportunities.

Explore our world-renowned membership offer to help support you throughout your career

CISI membership benefits in summary

Whether for yourself, or your staff, membership of the CISI provides a host of opportunities to support the highest standard of professionalism. The resources we offer are tailored for financial professionals to ensure they can maintain a high standard of knowledge, excel in their role and career.

Professional Benefit Chartered FCSI Chartered MCSI MCSI / ACSI Affiliates Student
MyCISI Member App
Designatory letters
CPD Scheme
Attendance at CPD Events
MyCISI Rewards     
Membership badges     
Professional Refresher
The Review
Professional Forums
Training & Competence Interest Group
CISI Masterclasses
Invitation to the CISI Annual Integrity Debate
Networking & Social Opportunities
Annual Dinner 
Mentoring Scheme