Prior to joining the CISI, Susan was head of qualifications at the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), having previously been membership development officer. She is also a Fellow of ICE.
After graduating from Oxford University, Susan qualified as a chartered civil engineer with WS Atkins before moving into consulting with PwC.
Mid-way through her career, Susan took some time out to bring up her family, during which she undertook extensive voluntary work in the education sector. She was chair of governors for a number of schools and sat on Buckinghamshire County Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Children’s Services.
CISI CEO Simon Culhane, Chartered FCSI, said: "We are delighted to have attracted someone of Susan’s stature and experience to join us in this important and strategic role. Susan’s experience across the portfolios of learning, qualifications, IT, membership and career development will be invaluable as we respond to the growing global appetite for our professionalism programme.”
Susan said: “I am excited to be joining CISI. I am very much looking forward to working with its members and with my new colleagues to promote the highest standards of ethics and competence within the profession.”